From the President's Desk.
The Lord has called us into His service for the purpose of bringing the gospel to the remote places of the world.
As we all know, remote areas of the world are often overlooked and people in these places are usually neglected and lack most of the basic necessities of life.
The purpose of this ministry is to reach out to the less privileged by providing their basic needs as we preach the good news of Jesus Christ to them.
Presently, the Lord has directed us to Githunguri, one of the remote villages in Kenya, East Africa. We have been fortunate, through the help of the Lord, to establish an orphanage that is catering for the needs of children – both boys and girls who have experienced the loss of their parents very early in life. Our missionaries are there teaching the word of God and overseeing the orphanage, as well as other programs of the ministry. Our goal is to expand and reach out to other regions as directed by the Lord.
Our missionaries and the orphans need your help. You can partner with us with a love gift of any amount. We welcome monthly or periodic financial contributions which will be completely committed to the ministry needs and programs.
Divine Intervention Missionary Ministry is transparent in all financial obligations and commitments, and will provide financial statements as required.
It is my prayer that the God of harvest will grant you ‘multiple harvests’ in every area of life as you support this ministry.
Proverbs 19:17 says ‘he that hath pity on the poor lend to the Lord; and that which he hath given will He pay him again’. I want you to know that as you work together with the Lord in being a blessing to others, He will reward you and your children forever.

Thank you and the Lord bless you.
Yours in His service,
President, Divine Intervention Missionary Ministry